Kamis, 15 Desember 2016

Your top recommendations for things to do in your town

Meet again with me Matius Tio Darma, this time I will discuss and review the recommendations somewhere in the area or a city, and I recommend a place in my area called cascade ensiling, his right on Toba Embangai Sanggau districts. Communities outside the sub-district or outside the area may not know if the sites are located in districts Embangai Toba saving potential that is extraordinary. These attractions named Riam Ensiling is still maintained and manicured. This tourist spot has a distinctive characteristic that stone water flowing from the hills that form the waterfall so that its water was cold when we touch. This cascade into own pride for the people there since become a local tourist spot area, every season definitely crowded highway dating the tourist place to see the sights and enjoy its cool air around the site, because it is located on a hill.Tourist attractions cascade Ensiling not far from the highway and we can bring the vehicle to below its foothills, and after using our vehicle a short walk to go to the location of her, because vehicles can not be taken directly to his area . Riam travel Ensiling place is a tourist place to save a million beauty because every year ny in the summer holidays such as the Feast of Christmas and new year the number of visitors was very crowded, because they want to look and see the natural beauty cascade Ensiling .. For that let us keep what is which became a gift of God that is bestowed by nature we care case .. for friends who have never been there let's try visiting definitely satisfied to see her natural beauty. thank you

Last meal on earth,what I choose?

Hello friends met again on my blog Matius Tio Darma, this time I will discuss why I chose food to eat last time in this earth. Food is one thing that can not be separated from the activities of human consumption, therefore each person must choose and determine their own tastes according to what she likes and interest. One of the foods consumed for the last time for me is the sausage, because the food is not healthy for health because it contains chemicals and substances that are harmful to the body. If the consumption constantly would be bad for health though slowly consequences will appear, such as cancer, and other diseases that can damage the immune system that causes the disease occurs in our body. In view of the sausage processing method also can be processed into a variety that could be tempting variety of snacks taste if eat, like made s, fried, mixed into other foods as well. Of processed products many people are packed, and are interested to consume sausage but if in the view of nutrition it would be bad for our health, because people do not know the impact negative her for their health just to think about enjoyment and delicacy of flavor sausage they consume it, therefore, let us start from now not too often consume sausage because it will have an impact later negative to our health, because there proverb says it's better to prevent..just this review of my blog to see the task next..thanks

Rabu, 14 Desember 2016

A letter to younger self and your 10-years laters self

Hi myself who have been up in the future, How are you today? How many wishes that have successfully you achieve? Do you feel the same today as I feel. It was strange when I asked myself. But at least you have is different than I am now, and I wish you were better than me today. If now you took time to read my letter from this small, whether it's a sign you're sad? Or despair? Listen buddy, I know a lot about you. People who are very easy to despair, the heart is so soft so easy to be sad. I hope now you have more invulnerable, because I'm sure you have undergone things more bitter than I feel. Hear ..! if you're still a hobby squander your time your life will never change. I know how stubborn you are, even after losing a lot of things you never berhargapun much changed. I understand that you so want happy people who love you, make them proud of you with the dream you want to achieve. But you do not appreciate the time until they disappear one by one leaving a million curiosity in them will be what you later. Leaving the hard knocks in your heart happy because they had no time to shed tears and assume that the destiny of cornered.Hi myself in the future, be personal spirited smile never give up and keep trying in this life. And hi myself in the future, when your breath is the last gusts of others. Do not complain and live it with full confidence, trust that she will always stand beside you, rest assured that he will always help you, rest assured that he prepares the best for you, for him according to the prejudices of His servants. Similarly in life, if you're sure will be able to achieve it then you also will never afford it. So optimislah in this life, I would be very proud if you succeed, especially mothers, and they all love you.This is a letter from me that now for you 10 back, thanks.

Sabtu, 10 Desember 2016

My Speech

                                                 The Benefits of Palm Oil Cultivation

God night guys.
First of all,let us thanks to god which gave as blessing and healthy,so we can gather on this lesson.
Thanks to miss Dini Haiti Zulfany,M.pd a supervisor of English lectuter,have given to me the opportunity to talk my speech.
I’m going to talk about the benefits of palm oil cultivation.
Palm oil is an important industrial plants producing cooking oil,industrial oil,and fuel(biodiesel).
Plantations generate large provit so many forest and old plantations converted to palm oil producer in the world.in Indonesia spread in Aceh,Sumatera,Jawa,Kalimantan,and Sulawesi.
Palm oil was first introduced in Indonesia by the Dutch government in the last four 1848,palm seedlings are planted in the garden Bogor botanical ,two are from the Hortus Botanicus Amsterdam(Netherlands)initially coconut trees palm cultivated as an ornamental plant,whil cultivating new crops for commercial purposes began in 1911.
The Benefits and Advantages Of Palm Oil
The most important part in thought is the fruit of oil palm fruit flesh.Produce crude palm oil feedstock process into cooking oil.
Excess oil is a vegetable oil of low process,low cholesterol and have a high carotene content palm oil also can be processed into raw materials alcohol oil,soap,wax and oil palm fruit processing cosmeticst industry.Rest potential to be a mixture of animal food and fermented into for mulcihing plant palm oil,as an ingredients pulping raw and organic solvents and palm oil sheel can be utilized as a fuel and the manufacture of activated charcoal.
Just this speech that I can say I hope this is can useful for we all.
Oke thank you