Kamis, 15 Desember 2016

Your top recommendations for things to do in your town

Meet again with me Matius Tio Darma, this time I will discuss and review the recommendations somewhere in the area or a city, and I recommend a place in my area called cascade ensiling, his right on Toba Embangai Sanggau districts. Communities outside the sub-district or outside the area may not know if the sites are located in districts Embangai Toba saving potential that is extraordinary. These attractions named Riam Ensiling is still maintained and manicured. This tourist spot has a distinctive characteristic that stone water flowing from the hills that form the waterfall so that its water was cold when we touch. This cascade into own pride for the people there since become a local tourist spot area, every season definitely crowded highway dating the tourist place to see the sights and enjoy its cool air around the site, because it is located on a hill.Tourist attractions cascade Ensiling not far from the highway and we can bring the vehicle to below its foothills, and after using our vehicle a short walk to go to the location of her, because vehicles can not be taken directly to his area . Riam travel Ensiling place is a tourist place to save a million beauty because every year ny in the summer holidays such as the Feast of Christmas and new year the number of visitors was very crowded, because they want to look and see the natural beauty cascade Ensiling .. For that let us keep what is which became a gift of God that is bestowed by nature we care case .. for friends who have never been there let's try visiting definitely satisfied to see her natural beauty. thank you

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